The ONSTIM Treatment Stops Peripheral Joint Nerve Pain In Its Tracks.
Joint pain is caused by nerves in your body relaying information to your brain. The non-opioid ONSTIM Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Treatment stops the transmission and gives you relief from joint pain.
We use proven, cutting-edge technology to deliver joint pain relief without drugs or major, invasive surgery.
All treatments are performed in our office or our outpatient center – no hospital stay required!
Your insurance likely covers this procedure! If your carrier does not, we can arrange financing.
Your procedure recovery is in a resort-like setting. Learn about your healthcare holiday.
The ONSTIM Treatment
Meet Dr. Erik Nilssen, the director of the Orthopedic Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Center, and learn about the ONSTIM Peripheral Nerve Treatment. This in-office and surgery center procedure is a permanent fix for chronic joint pain of all major joints, and may eliminate the need for joint replacement or fusion surgery. Watch the video and find out if you’re a candidate, then send us an email or call us at 850-418-0007.
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